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RBC Minerals
What's Included?

NO FASTING is Required for this test.

The RBC Magnesium is recommended by many experts as a better evaluation of the body's magnesium levels than those found in the standard serum tests. This test gives you the average of the amount of magnesium that has been in cells in the last four months.

Magnesium is needed for more that 350 different enzymes in the body. Deficiency has been related to many health conditions including osteoporosis, asthma, PMS, hypertension, chronic fatigue syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Muscle spasms/contractions in the calves and soles of the feet are very common and especially indicative of magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is found in foods such as: list and green vegetables, legumes, seeds and chocolate. In fact chocolate cravings is a common sign that you need more magnesium.

Magnesium deficiency is extremely common. People do not each enough magnesium rich foods such as green leafy vegetables. Disorders of the kidneys or poor digestion can also lead to magnesium deficiency. Stress causes the body to dump magnesium out through the urine. Therefore even if you are eating an ideal diet, you may still be deficient in magnesium.

Standard blood tests:

Blood is made up of the fluid portion (serum) and cells (red blood cells, and white blood cells). Most times doctors test for magnesium they are looking at serum levels. This is in fact a very poor test. Only about 1% of magnesium is stored in blood serum, and this levels is very tightly regulated by the body. In case of magnesium deficiency, levels will fall elsewhere, such as inside the cells (intracellular) long before deficiency shows up in blood serum.

Therefore, it's possible to have a magnesium deficiency, but still have normal blood serum magnesium levels. In fact, only the worst cases of magnesium deficiency will show up in blood serum.

The best way to test magnesium is by a "Red Blood Cell Magnesium." This measures levels of magnesium inside the red blood cells and represents how much magnesium is available to your cells.

Click the test name for more information.

RBC Magnesium

Five Simple Steps to Get Started

1. CLICK Add to Cart
2. CLICK Checkout to create your health record account
3. Choose from recommended tests to personalize your panel based on health or family history.
4. (Once your order is approved) PRINT DLO (Digital Lab Order)
5. Find the lab in your area with your zip code using the LOCATIONS link above.

Take the DLO to the lab to have your blood drawn at your convenience. (No appointment required)


This test can help you take a more active role in you health. Results can be used to: create an initial evaluation, allow you and your doctor to monitor your progress, and improve your overall health.

It is important to understand that some health problems can be found early through such blood tests; many cannot, but your results should give you and your doctor an indication of your current health. Your results will also establish "baselines" in good health for comparison to future results.

Legal Disclaimer - The testing services provided by MyMedLab are for informational and educational purposes only. It is not the intention of MyMedLab to provide specific medical advice or diagnosis. Our purpose is to provide our consumers with a better understanding of their overall health and their identifiable risk factors for certain conditions and disease. We believe very strongly that there is no downside to knowledge but this knowledge does comes with the responsibility to make rational decisions based on scientific facts.

MyMedLab WILL NOT provide specific medical advice that includes diagnosis and treatment. We encourage our customers to visit the U.S. Library of Medicine online at: to access more detailed test and result explanation. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS SEEK THE ADVISE OF A TRAINED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL FOR MEDICAL ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. As a consumer of health care, that is what you are paying them for.

MyMedLab Product ID: 1167