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Comprehensive Autism Panel
What's Included?

Requires a MINIMUM 3 HOUR FAST BEFORE testing.

This group of tests REQUIRES a KIT to be mailed to your home. Please wait for the kit to arrive BEFORE visiting the local lab for collection.

Numerous clinical studies have shown that individuals diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are predisposed to compromised immune systems. These important physical factors can lead to numerous complications that contribute to and even cause symptoms of Autism. Some of the most common problems include the overgrowth of Candida and Clostridia, the inability to control environmental toxins, and the development of allergies.

Due to the growing number of children and adults being diagnosed with some form of Autism, MyMedLab has partnered with Great Plains Laboratory to bring their cutting edge tests directly to the public.

Included in this comprehensive profile is:

1) The Doctor's Order required to access testing
2) The collection fee at your local laboratory. There are no additional fees to access this testing.

The Comprehensive Autism Panel includes the following tests. Click the test name for more information.

Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Advanced Cholesterol
Comprehensive Stool
Gluten/Casein Peptide
IgG Food Allergy
Immune Deficiency
Heavy Metal Hair
Organic Acid Test (OAT)
Vitamin D

Advanced Cholesterol - A direct correlation exists between the concentration of cholesterol in the brain, particularly the myelin, and how well the brain functions. Low values of cholesterol have been identified in almost 60% of children on the autistic spectrum. The panel developed by Dr. William Shaw will help determine whether cholesterol deficiency or abnormalities in cholesterol transport is a problem. Without proper cholesterol, gene expression, neurotransmission and hormone synthesis are all impaired.

Comprehensive Stool Test Analysis - Many chronic disorders come from digestive problems and inadequate nutrient absorption. Even with a very complete and balanced diet, nutrients have to be properly digested to transport vitamins to different parts of the body. Proper gastrointestinal functioning also ensures elimination of toxic molecules, microbes,and undigested food particles. This helps prevent infections, toxic reactions, allergies, and other health problems. Individuals with a compromised immune system are more susceptible to opportunistic pathogens in the gut which create an imbalance and inflammation. The stool test cultures beneficial bacteria, imbalanced bacteria, dysbiotic bacteria, and yeast to determine the exact species so that correct treatment can be administered. The test will also measure digestive enzymes inflammation, microbial resistance, short chain fatty acids, Secretory IgA and more.

The Copper/Zinc - Zinc affects many different aspects of immune system and of gene expression in the body. Deficiencies cause decreased immunity which contributes to many of the issues of toxicity, illness, and disease. Zinc is inversely related to the copper in the body and so both of these metals are measured in tandem with each other.

Ferritin - is a protein found inside cells that stores iron so the body can use it later. A ferritin test indirectly measures the amount of iron in the blood. The amount of ferritin in the blood (serum ferritin level) is directly related to the amount of iron stored in the body. Ferritin and serum Iron have been found to be significantly lower in individuals with Tourette’s Syndrome. These plus other findings have lead researchers to conclude that the deficiency has a causal role in the development of tic disorders and may also play a role in other neurological diseases such as Autism.

Gluten and Casein Peptide - We have isolated several proteins found in wheat and dairy products which mimic opiate receptors in the brain called neuro-peptides. These peptides are often poorly digested by individuals with Autism, Tourette’s syndrome, Tic disorder, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and other disorders. These peptides have the potential to interfere with neurotransmission and cause cognitive difficulty.

IgG Food Allergy - This test is extremely useful as a guide to healing the inflamed GI tract. The improper digestion of foods can cause inflammation and immunity problems contribute to the formation of allergies. These allergies or sensitivities are associated with the reaction of foods with certain gamma interferon that can cause profound behavioral changes and even psychosis. This test will identify the specific antibody that is commonly associated with ASD symptoms called IgG, not commonly tested by allergists. The elimination of the offending food will help strengthen the immune system and reduce ASD symptoms. The most common foods found to be abnormally high are dairy, wheat, (glutens) soy, peanuts, eggs, and citrus. IgG symptoms, aside from simple skin reactions can demonstrate themselves as behavioral problems, fatigue, hyperactivity, headaches, and gastrointestinal problems.

Heavy Metals Hair - This test is important for measuring toxic metals that can impede development and normal brain functioning. Heavy metal representation can be difficult to determine because heavy metals will bind to soft tissue and are not water soluble. Hair is a soft tissue and therefore can give an accurate reflection of heavy metals in the body. Heavy Metals such as mercury may be 250 times higher in the hair than in the blood. Heavy metals can have profound affects on neurotransmission and immunity. When toxic metals are reduced, immune function and neurotransmission are greatly improved. This test will produce an accurate picture of the toxic representation of metals such as lead, arsenic, and mercury. It will also give information about other important elemental metals such as selenium, Lithium and other elements essential for normal growth and good health.

Organic Acid Test (OAT) - Great Plains Laboratory has patented the use of specific metabolites for the identification of certain yeast species. We can easily identify an overgrowth of yeast and bacteria more reliably than a common culture. Reducing or eliminating yeast overgrowth has been one of the most effective methods of reducing autistic symptoms. The test will also identify deficiency of essential nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants as well as oxidative stress and detoxification ability. All together we test for 65 metabolites that relate to yeast, bacteria, water soluble vitamins, oxalates, neurotransmitters, mitochondrial function and other metabolic pathways which can have adverse affects on immune and neurological function.

Streptococcus Antibody - Individuals who exhibit symptoms of Tourette’s syndrome, tic disorder, and Autism may also have elevated streptococcus antibodies. These antibodies occur naturally as we encounter these bacteria. When they persist in high levels for long periods of time, they have the potential to interfere with structurally similar proteins in the human brain and cause symptoms of yelling, motor tics, aggression, unwanted thoughts, hallucinations, and repetitive behavior.

Vitamin D - Vitamin D is independently associated with all-causes of mortality in the general population. Low Vitamin D levels increase the risk for osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and many other diseases. Vitamin D is also an important immune regulator. It promotes phagocytosis, anti-tumor activity, and immunomodulary functions that play a role in autoimmune disease. Additionally, vitamin D regulates cellular proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and angiogenesis. Which are all known problems commonly found in children with Autism, Tourette’s Syndrome, Tic disorder, and other behavioral disorders.

MyMedLab Product ID: 306