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Vitamin D Bloodspot - ZRT
What's Included?

There is no special preparation required before testing.

A BioHub Vitamin D kit for home collection can be mailed to you for a finger-stick collection in the privacy of your home. The Vitamin D test was created to measure both the natural form of Vitamin D (D3) and D2, the form used in many supplements. The same test used to look for a vitamin deficiency can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of vitamin D supplements in maintaining the right amount for optimum health.

Five Simple Steps to Get Started

1. CLICK Add to Cart
2. Choose from other recommended international tests to personalize your baseline
3. CLICK Checkout to create your BioHub Health Record account
4. Once your kit arrives, collect the few drops of blood in the privacy of your home.
5. Ship the dried blood sample back to the lab for testing in the international mailer provided.

Due to the lack of a single-solution shipper we DO NOT provide return postage for international orders. Choose and purchase return postage from the best provider for your region. (Typically under $15.00US)


Recently, research has shown that vitamin D is important in protecting the body from a wide range of diseases. Disorders linked with vitamin D deficiency include stroke, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, several forms of cancer, some autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, type I & II diabetes, depression and even schizophrenia.

Vitamin D is actually a pro-hormone and not technically a vitamin: a vitamin is defined as a substance that is not made naturally by the body but must be supplied in the diet to maintain life processes. But in fact, we make most of our vitamin D when our skin is exposed to ultraviolet light (sunlight). We only get very small amounts of vitamin D from our diet, although increasingly it is added to foods eaten by children, in an attempt to prevent rickets in the population.

A major cause of deficiency is not getting enough sun. This is very common in northern climates where people don’t spend much time outdoors, but even in countries near the equator, women in particular often have much of their skin area covered for cultural reasons, and the use of sunscreen also blocks the formation of vitamin D in the skin.

Vitamin D is metabolized by the liver to a storage form of the vitamin, which circulates in the blood until needed. Enzymes in the kidneys metabolize it further to form the highly active hormone that is involved in essential biochemical processes throughout the body. Testing for vitamin D is therefore an important screening test, especially if you spend much of your time indoors, or live in a colder climate.

CLICK HERE for more detailed explanation of the different forms of Vitamin D (D2 / D3)


The Big Advantages of a Simple Blood Spot Test

This type of collection is the same used by millions of people around the world to check their blood sugar.

1. Whole blood is collected with a simple nick of the finger using the lancet provided.
2. Blood drops are collected on the filter card provided and allowed to dry.
3. The card is simply mailed in for testing with no special storage conditions or handling.
4. The lab measures the amount of each health value captured in the spots of dried blood.

Advancements in technology are increasing the number of tests available that closely match the accuracy of conventional blood tests done on serum. Because it can be collected at home and is nearly painless, it is suitable for babies and children to eliminate the trauma of a doctor's visit and typical blood draw.


MyMedLab Product ID: 823