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Microbial Organic Acids Test - Mosaic
What's Included?

This test is NOT the Organic Acids Test (OAT).
Click here for the OAT

  • Fasting: No fasting
  • Sample type: Urine
  • Delivery: Kit mailed to you from Mosaic and arrives in 3 to 5 days for at-home collection.
  • Turnaround time: 14 to 21 days once lab receives sample
  • Mosaic FAQ
  • More information and Sample Report
  • Please note: Everything tested for in the MOAT is included in the OAT kit. Ordering both will result in duplicate testing.

    This test reports 21 metabolites (including creatinine) such as markers for beneficial bacteria, harmful bacteria, Clostridia species, Candida species, yeast and fungal metabolites, and general markers of dysbiosis.

    The MOAT is ideal for follow-up to the OAT and may be recommended by practitioners looking for a specific abnormality, to monitor certain microbial balances, or to assess treatment efficacy. We strongly recommend the full OAT as the initial screening test.

    MyMedLab Product ID: 569