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Female Circadian Hormone Saliva - SabreSciences
What's Included?


  • NO FASTING is required
  • KIT MAILED to your home
  • SALIVA SAMPLES collected at home

  • The Female Circadian Hormone Panel is offered through our partnership with Sabre Sciences Lab. It is designed to provide an evaluation of the stress hormones: Cortisol and DHEA-Sulfate; sex hormones: Testosterone, Progesterone and Estradiol; electrolytes: Sodium, Potassium and Chloride.

    The test includes - Six saliva samples collected in the privacy of your own home over a 24 hr. period at 8AM, 12PM, 4PM, 8PM, 12AM, and 4AM.

    The profile includes 15 evaluations:

    6 x Cortisol
    3 x DHEA-s
    1 x Testosterone
    1 x Progesterone
    1 x Estradiol

    This simple, non-invasive saliva test can determine whether an imbalance in adrenal hormones, sex hormones and/or electrolytes exists. The six salivary specimens are used to reconstruct the adrenal rhythm in the laboratory and determine whether the main stress hormones (cortisol and DHEA-S) are being secreted in proper proportion to each other and at the right times; and whether there is a state of sex hormone and electrolyte imbalance.

    Both PMS sufferers and postmenopausal women usually experience significant health changes. Many of the conditions associated with PMS and menopause are commonly associated with adrenal dysfunction, which will lead to overall endocrine imbalance. The keys to successfully overcoming these conditions are performing baseline and follow up evaluation of their hormonal status.

    This panel will evaluate:

    How well the adrenal glands function by tracking the full 24 hr circadian rhythm.

    The bio-availability of the hormones, since the free (unbound) fractions of the hormones are found in saliva.

    MyMedLab Product ID: 129