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Science of You - LEAKY GUT (Intestinal Permeability) - GD
What's Included?

  • Fasting: 8 hours
  • Sample type: Urine
  • Delivery: Kit mailed to you from Genova Diagnostics arrives in 3 to 5 days for at-home collection
  • Turnaround time: 7 days once lab receives sample
  • Genova Diagnostics FAQ
  • More information and Sample Report

    MyMedLab has partnered with Genova Labs to bring the Intestinal Permeability test (how the lab explains leaky gut) directly to the you and your family. This simple test, collected at home, is the starting point to see how well your gut is working. Diet changes and expensive supplements will never reach their potential in an unhealthy gut.

    Gluten intolerance, certain food sensitivities, depression and anxiety, and a whole list of autoimmune conditions are connected to poor gut health. Many of these conditions can dramatically improve if you focus your attention on healing your gut first. The truth is that it's not what you eat, but what your body can absorb that matters.

    This new health experience provides everything to get started, including the doctor's order required for testing. Results come with an explanation of your personal numbers and simple steps to improve your future results.

    What is Leaky Gut? (How we explain it)

    Everything you eat and drink ends in your gut, both good and bad. Bacteria, fungus, parasites, medications, chemicals, plastics, and even heavy metals get into your body through your mouth. If the lining of your gut IS working properly, it acts like a filter. Only letting in what's good for you while working to keep out the bad. Think of it like the skin on the inside of your body.

    How is it tied to my immune system?

    The lining of your gut doesn't do all the work by itself. Over 80% of your immunity happens in your gut where more than 10,000 species of bacteria live. Your immune system helps identify and fight off the bad stuff while allowing the good stuff into your body. The good bacteria help break down our food and strengthen the immune system to overpower the bad ones.

    How does the test work?

    The test kit is mailed to you and collected at home. It includes a drink powder containing lactulose (a disacharride - sugar) and mannitol (a monosaccharide - sugar) and all the supplies needed to collect your urine before and after. Both sugars are water soluble, but Mannitol is easily absorbed and penetrates cells, while Lactulose has larger molecules and should only be partially absorbed. The amount of each type of sugar in your urine can identify a leaky gut.

    What can the results tell me?

    Ideally, in a healthy functioning gut, your test would show low levels of lactulose (since you can't absorb it) in your urine and normal levels of mannitol. If both levels are high, it’s a sign of leaky gut because it’s allowing both sugar molecules to pass through easily. If mannitol levels are low, it could be a sign of poor absorption of nutrients in general.

    MyMedLab Product ID: 1344