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1 item, $370.00

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184 Food Sensitivity IgG - Alletess (TRX) x $370.00
Test 184 Food Sensitivity IgG - (Alletess Lab) -
Total Items 1 Total Price $370.00

Additional Recommended Labs

Make your testing even more personal by adding advanced panels based on your current health or family history. Each panel includes more advanced tests for a specific health condition. Tests were chosen directly by the expert who is providing the Expert Review (Expert Review cost not included).
Test DIABETES What's Included?

Add the diabetes panel of HbA1C, Insulin and C-Peptide for a detailed look at your important diabetes numbers.

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Test Vitamin Panel What's Included?

Add the vitamin health panel of Vitamin D (D3), Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Beta Carotene, and Vitamin B12 for a detailed look at your important vitamin numbers.

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Test CRP-Cardio (hs-CRP) What's Included?

Add the Expert's Pick heart disease test CRP-Cardio to personalized your panel with an evaluation of the inflamation in your arteries and veins.

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Test Candida Immunoglobulins Bloodspot - Alletess What's Included?

At-home blood spot kit test for Candida

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Test Heart Panel What's Included?

Add the heart disease panel of CRP-Cardio, LP(a) and CPK for a detailed look at your important heart health numbers.

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Test Hemoglobin What's Included?

Add the Expert's Pick diabetes test HbA1C to personalized your panel with a 90 day average of your blood sugar.

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Test TSH What's Included?

Add the Expert's Pick thyroid test TSH to personalized your panel with an evaluation of how well your thyroid gland is working.

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Test Thyroid What's Included?

Add the thyroid health panel of TSH, Free T4, Free T3and TPO for a detailed look at your important thyroid numbers.

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Test Vitamin D , 25 Hydroxy What's Included?

Add the Expert's Pick vitamin test Vitamin D to personalized your panel with an evaluation of your vitamin D numbers.

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