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CBC with Differential
What's Included?


- NO FASTING is required
- LAB VISIT for blood draw

The CBC is a screening test, used to diagnose and manage numerous diseases. The results can reflect problems with dehydration or loss of blood. It can show abnormalities in the production, life span, and rate of destruction of blood cells. It can reflect acute or chronic infection, allergies, and problems with clotting. The CBC is combined with other standard lab tests to form our START HERE Panel

The platelet count is also usually included in the CBC. These values reflect the size and concentration of individual cells and are useful in the diagnosis of various types of anemia. Red blood cells transport hemoglobin which, in turn, transports oxygen. The amount of oxygen received by tissue depends on the amount and function of RBCs and hemoglobin.

The hematocrit is an expression of the proportion of whole blood that is composed of red blood cells (since the contribution by the WBCs is almost negligible). The hematocrit is a compound measure of RBC number and size. WBCs are mediators of inflammation and the immune response.

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The CBC is included all but the most basic Wellness Profiles

MyMedLab Product ID: 158