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No special preparation is usually necessary, but men who engage in sex within 24 hours before the PSA test may have a falsely elevated result.

The PSA test measures the amount of Prostate-Specific Antigen in the blood. It can be detected at a low level in the blood of all adult men.

Falsely elevated results can also be due to a recent urinary tract infection or a recent surgery on the urinary tract. The PSA level is elevated in men with benign prostate disorders and prostate cancer.

Other inflammatory diseases, such as prostatitis, may also increase the PSA level. Starting at age 50, you should talk to your provider at your regular physical to see whether PSA testing is appropriate for you.

PSA testing may be started at age 40 or 45 if you have risk factors for prostate cancer, like you are African American or you have a father or brother diagnosed at an early age.

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The PSA is combined with other Tumor Markers in our CancerSafe Test Profiles.

MyMedLab Product ID: 191