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Lipid Profile
What's Included?

Requires an 8 HOUR FAST BEFORE testing.

The Lipid Profile is a group of tests used to determine the risk of coronary heart disease. The tests that make up a lipid profile are tests that have been shown to be good indicators of the likelihood of heart attack or stroke caused by blockage of blood vessels (hardening of the arteries).

Click the test name for more information.

Total Cholesterol
HDL Cholesterol (Good Cholesterol)
LDL Cholesterol (Bad Cholesterol)

The report will include additional calculated values such as HDL/Cholesterol ratio or a risk score based on lipid profile results, age, sex, and other risk factors.

The results of the lipid profile are considered along with other known predictors of heart disease risk factors like C-Reactive Protein (CRP-Cardio) to develop a comprehensive plan. Knowing your numbers allows you to combine lifestyle changes with periodic screening to work towards heart disease prevention.

The Lipid Profile, though offered individually, is included in every Wellness Profile we offer. Our Male/Female Heart Disease Profiles combine this test and the CRP together along with other important screenings.

To get a true understanding of your personal risk for Heart Disease, the relationship between Good (HDL) and Bad (LDL) Cholesterol needs to be established.

CLICK HERE for More Detailed Lipid Profile Information

MyMedLab Product ID: 109