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PSA Free & Total
What's Included?

No special preparation is usually necessary, but men who engage in sex within 24 hours before the PSA test may have a falsely elevated result.

PSA exists in several forms in serum and is predominantly bound to proteins in the blood. One form of PSA, free PSA, is not bound.

The measurement of the different forms of PSA is said to help discriminate between prostate cancer and benign prostate disease. The percent of free PSA is a ratio of the non-bound PSA and total PSA. Increased values of free PSA to total PSA (fPSA/PSA) indicate non-cancerous conditions.

A second useful application for the ratio of free/total PSA values is to discriminate between patients with prostate cancer who are responding to treatment.

CLICK HERE for More Detailed PSA Test Information

CLICK HERE for More Detailed PSA Free Test Information

The PSA and PSA FREE is combined with other Tumor Markers in our CancerSafe Test.

MyMedLab Product ID: 192