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NSNL Thyroid Basic
What's Included?

NO FASTING is required before testing.

Dr. Randall Hardy is an integrative vitality therapist, lifestyle and life issues coach, professional speaker and author. He specializes in natural health care, disease prevention, safe weight management and stress reduction. His previous careers in chiropractic and drugless therapy (naturopathy) and as the program and health director of major US destination health resorts in Florida, give him years of experience to help people achieve their goals.

Marian Tobin-Hardy is a US nationally board certified massage therapist as well as a certified reflexologist, Reiki practitioner, natural foods chef and author.

The group of tests provide a simple and affordable way to receive an unbiased evaluation of your current thyroid health. The initial test results will help you establish your baseline values that can be used for comparison to future results. It includes the following tests.

Click the test name for more information.

Thyroid (TSH)
Free T4 (FT4)
Free T3 (FT3)

MyMedLab Product ID: 346