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IgG Food MAP with Candida/Yeast
What's Included?

  • Fasting: No fasting
  • Sample type: Blood Spot
  • Kit Delivery:3 - 5 business days
  • Turnaround time: 1 -2+ weeks
  • Kit Instructions
  • Sample Report


    The IgG Food MAP measures antibodies to 190 common foods, herbs, and spices. IgG Food Sensitivity blood spot testing is a simple and effective way to identify foods that can trigger an inflammatory response. The provided personalized rotation/elimination diet provides an easier and more convenient approach versus removal of all common foods known to cause allergies/sensitivities, which is often time-consuming and laborious.
    Addressing identified food sensitivities can be impactful as they often contribute to chronic health issues. Identifying these sensitivities can be crucial to healing the body and relieving unexplained signs and symptoms.

    Symptoms associated with IgG food sensitivities: Headaches/migraines,weight gain/obesity, GI upset-gas, bloating, diarrhea, skin rash, itching, eczema, & behavioral problems.
    Diseases associated with IgG food sensitivities: IBS, IBD, crohn's, autoimmune, asthma, ADHD, depression, celiac, ulcerative colitis, & autism.

    MyMedLab Product ID: 1966