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Shomon Thyroid Follow Up
What's Included?

NO FASTING is required before testing.

The Mary Shomon Thyroid Follow Up Profile was designed by Thyroid expert, patient advocate and author, Mary Shomon.

The combination of tests are used in conjunction with her books Living Well With Hypothyroidism, Living Well With Graves Disease and Hyperthyroidism, Thyroid Diet, and Thyroid Hormone Breakthrough. The group of tests provide a simple and affordable way to receive an unbiased evaluation of your current thyroid health.

Click the test name for more information.

Thyroid (TSH)
Free T4 (FT4)
Free T3 (FT3)


Five Simple Steps to Get Started

1. CLICK Add to Cart
2. Choose from the recommended tests to Personalize your baseline
3. CLICK Checkout to create your private health record account
4. (Once your order is approved) PRINT DLO (Digital Lab Order)
5. Find the lab in your area with your zip code using the LOCATIONS link above.

Take the DLO to the lab to have your blood drawn at your convenience. (No appointment required)


About Your Test Results

Your first set of results (along with any health information you choose to share) will be assembled into a single private record on the BioHub platform as a reference point going forward. This information BELONGS TO YOU and NO OUTSIDE PARTY can access it without your invitation and consent. It is not available to your employer, insurance company, or any government agency and NEVER becomes part of your permanent medical record UNLESS YOU PROVIDE IT.

When you have more than one value for a test, results are graphed together so you can easily track changes in your health over time. So the more tests the baseline includes, the more valuable it becomes in the future. Your results are reviewed by our medical team for any values needing immediate attention (critical) or requiring a follow up with your doctor (caution) before they are released to you. You will be notified by email or text when you can log back into your BioHub health record and review your results.

Once results are complete, you have the option to purchase time in group discussions (webinars) and one-on-one reviews (expert reviews) from a growing list of experts to: ask questions, identify risk factors and help create a plan to move forward. This unique way to privately share information is revolutionizing the way we learn about our health.

Looking at the exact same data from different perspectives (medical doctors, alternative medicine, nutrition, etc) allows everyone you invite to learn from each other. Expert add notes, recommend tests and follow up conversation (if needed), directly into one single record, it's the science of YOU. Each conversations is recorded and placed as an MP3 file in your private record to get the most out of the valuable information they provide.

You will also receive an invitation to become part of a private Facebook group (free of charge) to join an exclusive discussion with other record holders. (Access to this group is only available to those who have created their own BioHub health record.) The sooner you complete your tests, the sooner you'll be learning from the group that includes some of the best experts in the world. You will also have the opportunity to nominate your favorite providers to be part of this growing group of experts.


An Important Note About Your Experience

MYMEDLAB TESTS, SUPPORT GROUPS, OR EXPERT REVIEWS ARE NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR THE SERVICES OF A PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN. If you do not fully understand this important distinction about the services available here, please do not purchase our products. Our platform serves as a health concierge or guide that helps experts share their knowledge with the most people. These private conversations, based on the health information contained in your record, create a simple and convenient way to prepare for your next doctor's visit.

While they CANNOT provide a diagnosis or recommend ANY specific treatment from a single lab report, they may identify results that require a follow up with your personal physician. You will have the opportunity to invite your trusted health providers to participate in these private health conversation. We make it simple to securely fax individual results to your doctor from inside your record, if you choose to make results part of your permanent medical record with them.


About Your Health Information

If you choose to purchase an expert review, you will be asked to complete a short health history. Your answers are combined with your lab results to provide the expert with the most accurate picture of your current health. The more specific you can be, the better quality service they can provide.

This information is not sold, shared or used for ANY PURPOSE other than giving the expert the best information to help you. Once the conversation is complete, you have the option of un-checking any answer in your My History tab, which then deletes this information from your record.


No Hidden Costs

There are no hidden fees or yearly memberships to buy. Purchasing the MyMedLab Panel is all that is required to join. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of ground-breaking discussions with the best and brightest minds in health care today.


About Mary Shomon

Mary Shomon is the nation's leading thyroid patient advocate. After her own thyroid diagnosis, Mary transformed her struggle with thyroid disease into an two-decade long advocacy and educational campaign on behalf of her fellow patients with chronic diseases such as thyroid disease, autoimmune conditions, and chronic fatigue, among others. Since early 1997, Mary has served as founder and Guide for the award-winning Thyroid website -- part of the New York Times Company -- as editor of the popular patient thyroid news report, Sticking Out Our Necks, and has written a number of best-selling books, including The Thyroid Diet, Living Well With Hypothyroidism, Living Well With Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism.

MyMedLab Product ID: 295