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About Panels
All Tests
- Comprehensive Clostridium Culture - DD
- Candida Immunoglobulins Bloodspot - Alletess
- Celiac & Gluten Sensitivity Bloodspot - DD
- Comprehensive Stool - DD
- Comprehensive Stool Analysis
- Comprehensive Stool Analysis w/Parasitology x1 - DD
- Comprehensive Stool Analysis w/Parasitology x2 - Mosaic
- DNA Stool MAP (Diagnostic Solutions)
- GI Effects Comprehensive (MMX 2200) - GD
- GI-Pathogens Profile - Diagnostic Solutions
- HPylori (Diagnostic Solutions)
- Microbial Ecology (MMX2205) - GD
- Microbiology
- Microbiology Profile - DD
- Microbiology Test - Mosaic
- Parasitology X3 - DD
- Science of You - LEAKY GUT (Intestinal Permeability) - GD
- Zonulin (Diagnostic Solutions)
- Glyphosate (Urine) with Tap Water Test (1 Urine & 1 Water Sample) - Mosaic
- Glyphosate - Mosaic
- Metals Hair Test - Mosaic
- Metals Urine Test - Mosaic
- MycoTOX
- Stool Toxic Metals - DD
- TOXDetect
- Urine Fluoride - DD
- Urine Halides - DD
- Urine Mercury - DD
- Urine Porphyrins 24 Hour - DD
- Urine Toxic and Essential Elements 24 Hour - DD
- Urine Toxic Metals 24 Hour - DD
- DNA Methylation Buccal Swab - DD
- DNA Methylation Pathway Profile - Mosaic
- Find Why Weight Control DNA Test - DD
- Female Circadian Hormone Saliva - SabreSciences
- Female Comprehensive Hormone 28 Day - SabreSciences
- Home Cortisol Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home DHEA-S Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home Estradiol (E2total) Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home Hormone Trio Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home Insulin (In) Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home Menstrual Cycle Maping - ZRT
- Home Progesterone (Pg,total) Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home PSA Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home Testosterone (T,total) Bloodspot - ZRT
- Hormone Saliva - ZRT
- Hormone Saliva Profile 1 - ZRT
- Hormone Saliva Profile 2 - ZRT
- Hormone Saliva Profile 3 - ZRT
- Hormone Trio Saliva - ZRT
- Male Hormone - Saliva (Sabre Sciences)
- Small Sample Basic Hormone Profile Saliva - DD
- Small Sample Comprehensive Hormone Profile Saliva - DD
- Science of You - INFLAMMATION
- 184 Food Sensitivity IgG - (Alletess Lab)
- 184 Food Sensitivity IgG w/ Wellness Plan - BloodSpot
- 96 Food Sensitivity IgG - Alletess Lab
- 96 Food Sensitivity IgG w/ Wellness Plan - BloodSpot
- CytoDx Panel (Diagnostic Solutions)
- Home Hemoglobin A1c Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home High Sensitivity C- Reactive Protein (hsCRP) Bloodspot - ZRT
- IgG Food MAP with Candida/Yeast
- Comprehensive Neurotransmitter Profile Urine - DD
- Home Neuro Adrenal Profile - DD
- Home Neuro Basic Profile - DD
- Neurotransmitter Health - SabreSciences
- Hair Elements - Doctor's Data
- Organix Comprehensive - GD
- Advanced Cholesterol Profile - Mosaic
- Amino Acid 24 Hour Urine - DD
- Amino Acid Test - 24 hour urine
- Copper + Zinc Profile Serum - Mosaic
- Kryptopyrrole, Urine - Mosaic
- Microbial Organic Acid Test - MOAT
- Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Mosaic
- Organic Acids Test + Amino Acids Urine Test Combo - Mosaic
- Organic Acids Test - OAT
- Urine Calcium and Magnesium - Mosaic
- Vitamin D , 25 Hydroxy
- Vitamin D BloodSpot - DD
- Adrenal Stress Saliva - ZRT
- Cortisol Awakening Response Profile - DD
- Home T3 Free (FT3) Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home T4 Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home T4 Free (FT4) Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home Thyroglobulin (Tgbn) Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home TPOab Bloodspot - ZRT
- Home TSH Bloodspot - ZRT
- Small Sample Adrenal Function Profile - DD
- Small Sample Comprehensive Adrenal Function - DD
- Thyroid Basic Bloodspot - ZRT
- Urine Iodine Level - ZRT
- Urine Iodine Pre & Post Load - DD
- 96 Food Sensitivity IgG- Alletess (TRX)
- Science of You - WELLNESS
- Happy Belly Health Thyroid
- HormoneBank
- Science of You - ARTHRITIS
- Science of You - AUTISM
- Science of You - DIABETES
- Science of You - HAIR LOSS
- Science of You - HORMONE (F)
- Science of You - IRON
- Science of You - MENOPAUSE
- Science of You - PROSTATE
- Science of You - THYROID (HTM)
- Vitamin Panel
- Female Under 40
- General Health Screen*
- Hepatitis Panel (Acute A B C)
- IVF Thyroid (Basic)
- Leptin Level
- Male Baseline
- Science of You - THYROID
- Thyroid Basic Panel
- Thyroid Complete Panel
- Thyroid Safety Panel
- #THYROID HEALTH (Quest Diagnostics)
- 1. Thyroid Complete
- 184 Food Sensitivity IgG - Alletess (TRX)
- 2. Hashimoto's Checkup
- 3 Hour SIBO Breath Test
- 7. Postpartum Status
- @Blood Preg Test In Weeks
- @Fertility Status - Day 3
- @Hair Loss
- @Thyroid Basic
- A - Z List
- A1C (HbA1C)
- ACTH Serum
- Adrenal Stress - Saliva (6 Sample) SabreScience
- Adrenal Stress Saliva 24 Hour - ZRT 4 Sample
- Adrenal/Neurotransmitter SSL
- AFM Organix Comprehensive (MMX0091)
- Aldolase
- Aldosterone LC/MS
- Aldosterone Plasma Renin
- Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) - Tumor Marker
- American Shaman BEFORE & AFTER
- Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS, Urine
- Amylase
- ANA Titer (Antinuclear Antibody)
- Anti-mullerian Hormone (AMH) Female
- Antibody Identification, Titer and Typing, RBC
- Antibody Screen
- Antistreptolysin O (ASO)
- Apolipoprotein (Apo B)
- B-Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)
- Bariatric ONE YEAR Labs
- Bariatric PERIODIC Labs
- Bartonella Species Antibodies (IgG, IgM) with Reflex to Titer
- Basic Cardio Panel
- Basic Hormone Panel
- Beta Carotene
- Betty bcp Drops BEFORE/AFTER
- Blood Cortisol, Total
- Blood Type & RH
- CA 125
- CA 15-3
- CA 19-9
- Calcium, Ionized (Ca+)
- Carbohydrate Antigen (CA) 19-9
- Carboxyhaemoglobin COHb
- Cardio IQ Advanced Lipid Panel
- Care H20 Before/After Experience
- CaringHand Baseline Panel
- CBC with Differential
- Celiac Disease Basic
- Celiac Disease Complete
- Ceruloplasmin
- Chelia Laurance Invitation
- Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea (UR)
- Chlorinated Pesticides (0760)
- Clymer Naturals Panel
- Complement C3 Serum
- Complement C4 Serum
- Comprehensive Baseline
- Copper, Blood
- CoQ10 Total
- Cortisol AM
- CPK (Creatine Kinase)
- CRP-Cardio (hs-CRP)
- Culture, Urine
- Cytomegalo Ab (CMV) IgG - CHRONIC
- Cytomegalo Ab (CMV) IgM - ACUTE
- D-Dimer, Quantitative
- Depakote (Valproic Acid)
- DHEA Sulfate
- Digoxin (Lanoxin®)
- DiHydrotestosterone
- Dilantin
- Dog Dander (e5) IgE
- Epstein Barr (EBV) ACUTE
- ESR (Sed Rate)
- Estradiol (E2)
- Estriol (E3)
- Estrogens Total (E1,E2,E3)
- Estrone (E1)
- Expanded 204 Food Sensitivity Panel (IgG) BS
- Expanded 204 Food Sensitivity Panel (IgG) SERUM
- Female Under 40
- Female Over 40
- Female Arthritis
- Female Diabetes
- Female Heart Disease
- Female Hormone - Blood
- Female Hormone Wellness
- Female Iron Overload
- Female Thyroid (Basic)
- Female Thyroid (Complete)
- Ferritin
- Fertility Status Profile
- Fibrinogen Activity
- Folic Acid / Folate
- General Health Screen
- General Health Screen
- Glucose (Plasma) Fasting
- Glucose / Leptin / Insulin
- Glucose Tol (1 HR GTT)
- H Pylori Antigen Stool - Dr's Data
- HCG Baseline
- HCG Quantitative (BHCG)
- Helper T-Lymph (CD4)
- Hemoglobin A1C (HgbA1C)
- Hepatic Function Panel
- Hepatitis A AB IgM
- Hepatitis B Core AB
- Hepatitis B Surface Ab
- Hepatitis B Surface Ag
- Hepatitis C Real Time PCR Quant
- Hepatitis C Screen
- Histamine (plasma)
- HLA-B27
- Homocysteine Level
- Hormone Numbers Baseline
- HormoneBank GOLD
- HormoneBank PLATINUM
- Human Growth Hormone - HGH
- IGF-1 (Somatomedin C)
- Immunoglobulin IgA, IgG, IgM
- Infinity CBD Trial 60 Day
- Infinity CBD Trial BEFORE
- Insulin C-Peptide
- Insulin Level
- Intact N-Terminal Propeptide of Type 1 Procollagen (P1NP)
- International shipping ZRT kit
- Intestinal Permeability
- Iron Health Complete
- Iron Level
- Iron/TIBC
- Irregular Cycle Profile
- Keep Your Thyroid - Basic
- KYT - Hashimoto AB
- Lead Level - Adult
- Leptin Baseline
- Lipase Level
- Lipid Profile
- Lipoprotein (a)
- Lithium serum
- Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
- Lyme AB, Total Immunoglobulin
- Magnesium, Serum (Blood)
- Male Arthritis
- Male Diabetes
- Male Heart Disease
- Male Iron Overload
- Male Over 40
- Male Prostate
- Male Under 40
- Manual Order
- Marin Baseline FEMALE
- MedSpa Female Baseline
- MedSpa Female Follow up
- MedSpa Male Baseline
- MedSpa Male Follow up
- Melatonin Profile - DD
- Mercury blood
- Methylation Profile, Plasma - Doctor's Data
- Methylmalonic Acid (MMA)
- Microalbumin Random Urine
- MMR Immunity Screen
- Mononucleosis Spot Test
- Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Antibodies (IgG, IgM)
- NAnti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Male
- NeuroBasic Profile - DD
- New Path - THYROID
- Nicotine, Urine (Cotinine)
- NoHigh Oil AFTER
- NoHigh Oil BEFORE
- Nourishful Life Thyroid
- Obstetric Panel
- Ojai BEFORE/AFTER Lab Experience
- Ojai BEFORE/AFTER Lab Experience
- OmegaCheck
- Ova & Parasites (O&P)
- Oxidative Stress 2.0 (Urine)
- Oxidized LDL
- Pomegranate 30 Day Challenge
- Precision Nutrition Panel
- Prefight Panel
- Pregnenolone
- Prenatal Father Profile
- Progesterone
- Progesterone Experience
- Prolactin
- Protein ElectroPhor - Blood
- Protein Total w/ Creatinine Urine Random
- Protime - INR
- Protime INR / PTT Profile
- PSA Free & Total
- PTH Intact
- PTH/Ionized Calcium
- RA Titer
- RBC Copper
- RBC Folate
- RBC Iodine
- RBC Magnesium
- RBC Zinc
- Renin, Plasma
- Reverse T3
- Rubella AB, IgG
- Science of You - DRINKING WATER Standard
- Science of You - VITAMIN D/ZINC
- Selenium, Whole Blood
- Shomon Autoimmune Profile
- Shomon Thyroid Follow Up
- Sirolimus
- Sjogrens AB (SSA & SSB)
- Sleep
- SSL DNA GI Stool MAP (Diagnostic Solutions)
- T3 Free
- T3 Total
- T3 Uptake
- T4 Free
- T4 total
- T7 (Thyroid Profile)
- Tegretol (Carbamazepine)
- Testosterone - Total
- Testosterone Free and Total
- Thyroid Antithyroglobulin AB (TgAb)
- Thyroid Diet Adrenal Panel
- Thyroid Diet Basic Panel
- Thyroid Peroxidase AB (TPO)
- Thyroid Profile (T7/TSH)
- ThyroidRx Panel
- Thyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG)
- TPO AB Endpoint
- Transferrin
- Transglutaminase IgA (tTG)
- Transglutaminase IgG (tTG)
- UpliftFit Hormones
- Uric Acid
- Urinalysis (UA) with Micro
- Varicella-Zoster AB IgG
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B12 and Folate
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D w/ Supplement
- Vitamin D, 1.25 Hydroxy (Calcitriol )
- Vitamin E
- What’s My Immunity
- Whole Healthy Living Basic
- Younger You Panel
- Zinc, Blood
- Zonulin Family Protein Stool - Dr's Data
- ZRT Saliva Adrenal (4 sample)
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About Panels
ThyroidRx Panel
What's Included?
NO FASTING is required before testing.
The ThyroidRx Panel was designed by thyroid experts to determine the current status of your thyroid gland. The combination of tests
is designed to evaluate both major thyroid hormone levels (FT3, FT4, TSH) as well as for the presence of the body's autoimmune
response (Anti-thyroglobulin Ab, Thyroid Peroxidase) for a comprehensive evaluation of potential problems.
The group of tests provide a simple
and affordable way to receive an unbiased evaluation of your current thyroid health. The initial test results will help you establish your baseline
values that can be used for comparison to future results. It includes the following tests.
Click the test name for more information.
Thyroid (TSH)
Free T4 (FT4)
Free T3 (FT3)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody (TPO)
Thyroid Antibody (Anti-thyroid AB)
These tests, if purchased individually from MyMedLab, would cost $350.00. Purchasing them together in this special profile, provides an
additional $80.00 saving off the regular price. This group of tests from your local doctor or hospital lab would typically cost between $600 - $800.
What's Included
CloseThe Price listed in the top right hand corner of each test description represents the ENTIRE COST to you. The following services are provided in that cost. There are NEVER any additional or hidden fees.
- Collection Fee for sample draw.
- Ordering Physician Fee (Lab Order Approval).
- Personal Health Record (PHR) creation that will hold ALL future results from our testing.
- Secure Data Storage that insures your results can ONLY be accessed by YOU.
- Transaction Fees that occur as part of the purchase process.
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