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DHEA Sulfate
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No special preparation is required.

DHEA is short for dehydroepiandrosterone (D-hi-dro-epp-E-an-dro-ster-own), a hormone made by the adrenal glands located just above the kidneys.

Scientists have known about this hormone since 1934. More than 150 hormones are made by the adrenal glands. However, the most abundant hormone made by the adrenal glands is DHEA.

After DHEA is made by these glands it goes into the bloodstream, and from then on it travels all over the body and goes into our cells where it is converted into male hormones, known as androgens, and female hormones, known as estrogens. Small amounts of DHEA are also made in the brain by neurons (brain cells).

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MyMedLab Product ID: 121