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Prenatal Father Profile
What's Included?

Requires 8 HOUR FAST BEFORE testing. Testing should be completed anywhere between 3 months to 1 year before conceiving.

The MyMedLab Prenatal Father Profile was designed to help find and target illness and deficiencies that could lead to a higher incidence of autism in your children.

Testing for the father including blood type, nutritionally deficiencies, thyroid status, and exposures to toxins/medications. More and more parents are choosing to explore this preventive option even though there is no guarantee that this information will prevent autism or insure a healthy baby.

It includes the following tests. Click the test name for more information.

General Health Screen (CMP, Lipid Profile)
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Blood Type and Rh (ABO)
Iron/TIBC (Iron Profile)
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
C-Reactive Protein CRP-Cardio
Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy
Hemoglobin A1C (HgA1C)

The Prenatal Father Profile includes: 1) The Doctor's Order from our physician (licensed in your state) that is required to access the testing.
2) A Free Consultation with our trained Autism specialist (once your results are complete) to discuss your test results and the answers they provide.

Our mission is to give you the tools (test results) combined with the expert knowledge required to maximize the time spent with your physician. It's not simply enough to "Know Your Numbers" you must also "understand" them to develop solutions that are unique to your individual situation.

These tests, if purchased individually from MyMedLab, would cost $575.00 Purchasing them together, as a Profile, provides an additional $215.00 saving off the regular price. This group of tests from your local doctor or hospital lab would typically cost between $500 - $800.

MyMedLab Product ID: 1695