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T7 (Thyroid Profile)
What's Included?

No special preparation is necessary.
Includes: T3 Uptake, T4 Total, Free T4 Index

This test provides a calculated relationship between the two main thyroid hormones in the blood and is part of an overall evaluation of thyroid function. T3 Uptake and T4 are the major hormones controlling the basal metabolic rate, or metabolism. The exact mechanisms are not completely known but involves the production of energy in the body.

Thyroid function is complex and depends on the action of many different hormones. Some hormones, such as T3, are active hormones and directly affect the way the body functions. Other hormones regulate hormone production, but do not have physiologic effects themselves. Most of the T4 in the blood is bound to proteins.

Drugs that can decrease T4 measurements include anabolic steroids, androgens, antithyroid drugs.

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MyMedLab Product ID: 213