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Blood Type & RH
What's Included?

There is no special preparation.

Blood typing is a test to classify blood by determining the absence or presence of antigens on the red blood cells and the presence or absence of antibodies to these antigens in the serum.

While the general physical makeup of all people is the same, each individual is unique. Every person has identifiers on cells that allow the body to know that those cells belong to him or her. A and B are common and important identifiers. The O blood type designates the absence of the A and B markers.

Another antigen on red blood cells is the Rh factor. Whether this antigen is present identifies your blood as Rh+ (positive) or Rh- (negative).

If the father has Rh-positive blood, then the mother needs to receive a treatment to help prevent antibodies from forming in the mother's serum. These antibodies can harm a fetus if not treated (see Rh incompatibility).

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MyMedLab Product ID: 195