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Nicotine, Urine (Cotinine) Quant.
What's Included?

Cotinine [COAT-e-neen] is a chemical that is made by the body from nicotine, which is found in cigarette smoke. Since cotinine can be made only from nicotine, and since nicotine enters the body with cigarette smoke, cotinine measurements can show how much cigarette smoke enters your body.

The presence of cotinine itself is not thought to be harmful. Cotinine is used simply to measure how much tobacco smoke has entered your body. This simple laboratory test can measure cotinine in your urine.

If you are serious about stopping or reducing your smoking, or if you are interested in the amount of smoke that has entered your body, this test can be very useful. By knowing what your starting level of cotinine is, you can see how successful your efforts to stop smoking are.

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MyMedLab Product ID: 702