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Fertility Status Profile
What's Included?

Blood samples should be drawn on the THIRD DAY of your cycle.

At the Malpani Infertility Clinic, we treat patients from all over the world. Many of our patients are very well-informed and understand their treatment options well but often find it difficult to get their medical tests done.

To remove these unnecessary barriers we have collaborated with MyMedLab to offer couples in the USA an easy way to get their blood tested for the five key reproductive hormones.

The Malpani Fertility Status panel includes the following tests.
Click the test name for more information.

Estradiol (E2)
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
Prolactin (PRL)
Thyroid (TSH)

This Profile, usually done on Day 3 of the cycle, provides an excellent idea of ovarian reserve and can be vital to formulating the right treatment plan.

This type of service is a great way of empowering women; and is also useful for 2 other groups of women.

1. Women who are worried about their biological clock and are interested in checking their Ovarian reserve. The baseline FSH level is a good index of the number of eggs left in the ovaries. A high FSH is typically a sign of poor ovarian function.

2. Women with irregular periods may have these problems do to the fact that they do not ovulate. This condition called anovulation may be a result of PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) or POF (premature ovarian failure). Our profile can help them to make the correct diagnosis.

Women, with our help, can now order their own tests and monitor their own fertility. Those with poor ovarian reserve can use the testing to evaluate the effectiveness of all types of treatment including alternative medicine, yoga, acupuncture and herbal medicines.

Many doctors unfamiliar with these alternative treatments can not provide the support or follow up required to evaluate their success. They can now monitor their own FSH levels every few months, track their own progress, and make an informed decision on their next course of action.

These tests, if purchased individually from MyMedLab, would cost $292.50 Purchasing them together as a panel provides an additional $94.50 saving off the regular price. This group of tests from your local doctor or hospital lab would typically cost between $500 - $700.

Help in interpreting the results.

Need help in making sense of your lab results? Please enter your lab values and your clinical details in our Free Second Opinion and we will help you interpret your results.

MyMedLab Product ID: 273