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Organix Comprehensive - GD
What's Included?

  • Fasting: No fasting
  • Sample type: Urine
  • Delivery: Kit mailed to you from Genova Diagnostics arrives in 3 to 5 days for at-home collection.
  • Turnaround time: 14 days once lab receives sample
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  • More information and Sample Report

    Organix Comprehensive (OAT) Profile from Genova Diagnostics can easily identify an overgrowth of yeast and bacteria more reliably than a common culture. Reducing or eliminating yeast overgrowth has been one of the most effective methods of reducing autistic symptoms. The test will also identify deficiency of essential nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants as well as oxidative stress and detoxification ability. All together we test for 65 metabolites that relate to yeast, bacteria, water soluble vitamins, oxalates, neurotransmitters, mitochondrial function and other metabolic pathways which can have adverse affects on immune and neurological function.

    Organic acids are metabolic intermediates produced in pathways of central energy production, detoxification, neurotransmitter breakdown, and intestinal microbial activity. Accumulation of specific organic acids in urine often signals a metabolic inhibition or block. This abnormality may be due to a nutrient deficiency, an inherited enzyme deficit, toxic build-up, or drug effect. Testing for organic acids helps reveal activity and changes at the metabolic level, helping practitioners discover hidden issues and pinpoint where therapeutic focus is needed.

    MyMedLab Product ID: 520