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Antibody Screen
What's Included?

There is no special preparation.

A test to measures the presence and amount of antibodies in blood against a particular type of tissue, cell, or substance. This screen looks for the "warm" antibodies or those most likely to cross the placenta in pregnancy. A detailed list of those tested for:

D, C, E, c, e, K, k, Kpa, Kpb, Jsa, Jsb, Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb, Lea, Leb, S, s, M, N, P1, Lua, Lub

The antibody level in the blood is a reflection of the body's past experience or exposure to an antigen, or something that the body does not recognize as belonging to itself. The body uses antibodies to attack and eliminate the foreign matter.

Every living cell has different protein markers on its surface. The body's immune system identifies those cells that are not part of itself by these surface proteins.

Occasionally, the body makes an error and begins to recognize its own tissue as being non-self, or foreign. This leads to an immune response against that tissue type, cell, or substance that is part of the body. This is known as autoimmunity.

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MyMedLab Product ID: 143