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CardioMetabolic Profile for International / non-US
What's Included?


  • 8 HOUR FAST before testing
  • KIT MAILED to your home
  • FEW DROPS OF BLOOD collected at home
  • INTERNATIONAL CC (Mastercard, Visa, AMEX)
  • RECEIVE UPS GLOBAL shipments

  • The General Health Screen - International was created to provide a detailed estimate of your personal risk for the chronic conditions of Heart Disease and Diabetes. This panel uses the latest technology to provide an accurate picture of your current health from the privacy of your home and includes the following tests.

    Click the test name for more information.

    Insulin, Fasting (Insulin)
    Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c)
    C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP)
    Cholesterol (CH)
    Triglycerides (TG)
    HDL Cholesterol (Good)
    LDL Cholesterol (Bad)
    VLDL Cholesterol


    Five Simple Steps to Get Started

    1. CLICK Add to Cart
    2. Choose from other recommended international tests to personalize your baseline
    3. CLICK Checkout to create your private health record account
    4. Once your kit arrives, collect the few drops of blood in the privacy of your home.
    5. Ship the dried blood sample back to the lab for testing in the international mailer provided.

    Due to the lack of a single-solution shipper we DO NOT provide return postage for international orders. Choose and purchase return postage from the best provider for your region. (Typically under $15.00US)


    With obesity rates continuing to rise world wide, the fattening of the population goes hand in hand with a group of health problems referred to as a metabolic syndrome. These chronic conditions includes high blood pressure and high levels of fats in the blood like triglycerides and cholesterol. In many cases, blood sugar levels rise, due to insulin resistance, where the action of insulin is impaired and fails to control a normal level of sugar in the blood.

    When these things happen at the same time, as is generally the case, their collective impact is to raise Type II diabetes and heart disease risks simultaneously. People with even one of its components may be at an increased risk for the other. Knowing what to watch for can make the difference between having, or preventing, full-blown disease; so early detection is critical. Using the latest technology, this valuable information is now available around the world with a simple Blood Spot test.


    The Big Advantages of a Simple Blood Spot Test

    This type of collection is the same used by millions of people around the world to check their blood sugar.

    1. Whole blood is collected with a simple nick of the finger using the lancet provided.
    2. Blood drops are collected on the filter card provided and allowed to dry.
    3. The card is simply mailed in for testing with no special storage conditions or handling.
    4. The lab measures the amount of each health value captured in the spots of dried blood.

    Advancements in technology are increasing the number of tests available that closely match the accuracy of conventional blood tests done on serum. Because it can be collected at home and is nearly painless, it is suitable for babies and children to eliminate the trauma of a doctor's visit and typical blood draw.


    About Your Test Results

    Your first test results will be assembled into a single record or "starting point" that establishes a reference going forward. Once you have more than one result for each value, they're automatically graphed together inside your private health record. So the more tests the baseline includes, the more valuable it becomes to future tests.

    Once your results are complete, you'll be notified by email that you can log back into your personal health record to review your results. You will also have the option to purchase time from a growing list of experts to ask questions, identify risk factors and help develop a plan to move forward.

    You will also receive an invitation to log into the private Facebook group and join the exclusive discussion with other record holders. (Access to this group is only available to those who have created their own health record.) The sooner you complete your tests, the sooner you'll be learning from the group that includes some of the best experts in the world.


    An Important Note About Your Experience

    MYMEDLAB TESTS, SUPPORT GROUPS, OR EXPERT REVIEWS ARE NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR THE SERVICES OF A PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN. If you do not fully understand this important distinction about the services available here, please do not purchase our products. Our platform serves as a virtual health concierge that helps experts share their knowledge with the most people. These private conversations, based on the health information contained in your record, create a simple and convenient way to prepare for your next doctor's visit.

    While they CANNOT provide a diagnosis or recommend ANY specific treatment from a single lab report, they may identify results that require a follow up with your personal physician. You will have the opportunity to invite your trusted health providers to participate in these private health conversation. We make it simple to securely fax individual results to your doctor from inside your record, if you choose to make results part of your permanent medical record with them.


    About Your Health Information

    If you choose to purchase an expert review, you will be asked to complete a short health history. Your answers are combined with your lab results to provide the expert with the most accurate picture of your current health. The more specific you can be, the better quality service they can provide.

    This information is not sold, shared or used for ANY PURPOSE other than giving the expert the best information to help you. Once the conversation is complete, you have the option of un-checking any answer in your My History tab, which then deletes this information from your record.


    No Hidden Costs

    There are no hidden fees or yearly memberships to buy. Purchasing the MyMedLab Panel is all that is required to join. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of the ground-breaking discussion with best-selling author Mary Shomon and a growing group of health experts.

    MyMedLab Product ID: 752